Òåððèòîðèÿ áóäóùåãî #4 - page 194

PART 3. Innovation Zone
Words of Welcome from the Director of
Municipal Autonomous Authority "Economic
Development Agency" of Togliatti Elena Lyakh
Despite of the difficult economic situation
in Russia, the social and economic situation
in the Samara region is quite stable. Most of
the macroeconomic indicators show a positive
trend, and the growth rates exceed the national
average. In the automotive industry, aerospace
engineering, and petrochemistry significant
potential has been gained and specific market
segments have been conquered. We are going
to continue implementation of special measures
to improve the competitiveness and development
of these industries. In 2014 large investment
projects of foreign companies were initiated.
Implementation of joint investment projects with
more than 120 companies are being discussed
at the moment. In 2014 construction of the first
phase of the infrastructure of the industrial park
«Preobrazhenka» was over. Development of
Togliatti Special Economic Zone is continuing.
The regional government has big plans and a
great desire to bring them to life. At the moment
the strategy of social and economic development
of the Samara region is being finalized.
Point of Development in Togliatti
Despite of the crisis, Togliatti is still attractive
for investors. The most important objects are
the industrial and production special economic
zone “Togliatti” and technopark “Zhigulevskaya
“Zhigulevskaya Dolina” (“Shiguli
It is a technopark implemented as a part of the
State Program “The establishment of technoparks
in the sphere of high technologies in the Russian
Federation”. The main objective of it is support of
projects and companies working in the sphere of
innovations and high technologies at all stages.
Specialization is defined according to the key
directions of the Russian economy modernization:
IT, Transport and Aero-Space Technologies,
Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving, Chemistry
and Innovative Materials. Everything that is
necessary for development of innovative and hi-
tech business is concentrated on the territory of
SEZ “Togliatti”
The industrial and production special
economic zone “Togliatti” is the third one in
the Russian Federation. Its most important role
is to create conditions for attracting long-term
investments. Currently, the residents of the SEZ
"Togliatti" are 17 companies. In 2014 it is planned
to launch the first two plants. SEZ "Togliatti" has
started the second phase of the construction.
Nineteen billion of public and private investments
are being invested into the development of the
SEZ "Togliatti". The total number of newly created
jobs is about five thousand.
Forum "Small business" Togliatti
is an
anuall major event for the business community
and residents of Togliatti. The Forum is a
platform for discussion among the business
community and the city authorities, business
support infrastructure, inspection bodies, and
other institutions that interact with the business.
The topics on Forum are focused on current
trends in business: development and business
support, infrastructure and support mechanisms;
innovation and support; development of IT and
domestic tourism; examples of successful local
companies; educational programs, seminars
for entrepreneurs. The event also serves as a
platform for local producers presentation of goods
and services. The organizers of the event are the
Office of the Mayor of the city of Togliatti and the
Economic Development Agency of Togliatti. In
May 2015 there was the 6th Annual Forum "Small
Business 2015".
was founded in 1973 as
a part of the construction management of
Kuybyshevgidrostroy. It is difficult to overestimate
the contribution of the enterprise made into
the construction of Togliatti. It also took part
in construction of many industrial facilities,
including AVTOVAZ. For 15 years UMM CJSC
has been providing AvtoVAZ and other enterprises
connected with automobile manufacture with the
the accessories and spare parts.
is the leader among the sellers
of steel doors. Only professionals work in this
company. They create doors using modern and
innovative equipment. The doors are made of
eco-friendly material only, produced by Russian
manufactures. The EVS doors have a solid frame,
that strengthens the structure, making it more
rigid and reliable. The company collaborates with
more than 40 dealers. It has two showrooms.
The EVS company provides financial support to
is the fast growing company,
providing citizens and companies of Togliatti with
analog and digital television and Internet services.
The company has own TV channels: VAZ-TV,
Lada-TV, Informkanal, as well as its own online
portal called vaztv.ru. During the activities of the
operator over 110 thousand households were
connected to the Internet, and more than 100
thousand kilometers of the cable networks were
Prozrenie LLC
is a net of optical stores.
The company was created in 2001 by an eye care
specialist Stanislav Guborev. All the stores are
equipped with the latest automated equipment
for the diagnosis and correction of vision. Here
everyone can get medical consultations, choose
glasses and lenses, check his vision and undergo
a cure. Every day more than 100 citizens visit the
Prozrenie stores.
Nemetskaya Stomatologiya
Dentistry) is a health care center that includes a
dental clinic and a dental laboratory fit out with
modern dental equipment. The head of the center
is Vadim Skokov, a dentist and a graduate of
the Samara State Medical University. The clinic
is staffed by the best specialists of the city, who
are ready to help day and night. Nemetskaya
Stomatologiya is the first clinic in Togliatti, which
began to work twenty-four hours a day. To date,
more than fifty thousand people have visited the
center. The clinic uses CEREC method in its
work. This is a method of CAD/CAM dentistry
developed at the University of Zurich for creating
dental restorations. This process allows dentists to
construct, produce, and insert individual ceramic
restorations directly at the point of treatment in
a single appointment, rather than over multiple
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