Òåððèòîðèÿ áóäóùåãî #4 - page 191

Valeriy Yeliseyev
has devoted 43 years of
his 45-year working experience to AVTOVAZ. 14
of these years were dedicated to the production of
plastic products, where he worked as production
manager from 1999 till 2014. Moreover, Yeliseyev
took part in production of such cars as NIVA
and Lada 2110. He is sure that only hard work
and respect for others can help people achieve
something. Valeriy Yeliseyev considers hardships
to form the character.
Konstantin Yeroslayev
have spent 36 years
at AVTOVAZ. He worked as director of the press
forging production, the reinforcing production and
the production of operation and maintenance. His
ability to quickly locate and unlock the potential of
the team has given him the name of “Breakthrough
Man”. Everybody knew that if there was any
problem, Konstantin Yeroslayev would resolve it
easily. He received a lot of medals, such as Veteran
of Labour, Veteran of VAZ, the commemorative
medal, and others. Yeroslayev is also an honored
machinist of the Russian Federation.
Vladimir Kotenev
spent all his life working
at AVTOVAZ, notwithstanding the fact that he
dreamed to be a pilot. He built VAZ and worked
there at mechanical assembly production. Kotenev
witnessed the assembly of all engines of VAZ cars.
He also went abroad several times where he and
his colleagues were trained to produce cars. The
desire to fly has never left Kotenev. As a result, he
organized a flying club in 1996.
Nikolay Ostudin
moved to Togliatti when
he was 15. He graduated from Togliatti State
Polytechnic Institute in 1974 and started his work
at VAZ. He worked as a design engineer first. In
the 90s Ostudin was invited to lead the expert
group. In 2003 he became a director of one of
the productions, where he worked for nine years.
Nikolay has three sons and six grandchildren. He
considers Togliatty to be a beautiful, cozy and
comfortable city.
Sergey Perevezentsev
is director general
Voyager LLC, director general of AVTOVAZ-
Perspectiva LLC, manager of mold and die
production, director of pilot production. He is the
recipient of numerous awards: medals and orders.
Perevezentsev's lifestyle can be described with
the following saying: "If you have already woken
up, be glad that you have a chance to change one
more day into a little life."
Anatoliy Khlevnoy
is famous for his
work as chief engineer of the organization of
production (DIS) of AVTOVAZ. Here are some
of his achievements: introduction of computer
technology into the manufacturing processes,
start-up of conveyors control system, creation
of a modern cable infrastructure, creation of
corporate network, and others. Besides, Anatoliy
Khlevnoy is an extraordinary author of poems,
glorifying romance of the AVTOVAZ workdays.
This year he has been celebrating his jubilee - 75
years. Khlevnoy's credo is to maintain sharpness
and novelty of sensations. His greatest love has
always been and remains AVTOVAZ.
Vladimir Kozhukhov
is president of the
DAVIS sports club. Besides, he is a candidate
of economic sciences and an honored builder of
Russia. Kozhukhov was born in 1958 in Irkutsk
where he got a profession of engineer-economist.
In 1982 he moved to Togliatti where he started his
career of a builder. Kozhukhov took part in more
than 230 construction projects.
State Institutions
and Public Organizations
The Togliatti City Duma
was created
in 1994. During its 20-year history the deputy
corps was changed six times. At the moment it is
the general element of the system of local self-
government bodies in Togliatti. Its main principle
is the principle of collective leadership. The City
Duma is the place where variouse problems and
questions are discussed. The Chairman of the
City Duma is Dmitry Mikel.
The Arbitration Court for settlements of
economic disputes
at the Togliatti Chamber of
have already settled their disputes with the help of
the court. The arbitration court is an alternative to a
state court. It is guided by the current legislation of
the Russian Federation and other normative legal
acts. The Arbitration Court was created in order to
defend the interests of the businessmen.
Samara Region Department of the
Russian Union of Journalists
is a creative,
professional, independent, public, self-regulating
organization. It unites 750 journalists of the region.
All of them work in mass media. The main tasks
and aims of the Department are the following: to
protect the rights and freedoms of journalists;
to organize socially important events, press
conferences, briefings, exhibitions, roundtable
discussions, and presentations; to increase
professional level of Samara journalists.
Culture and Education
Words of Welcome from
the Minister of Culture
of the Samara Region S. Philippov.
Culture gives opportunity to anyone to be
a part of the country and nation. Culture unites
generations, fosters pride in homeland and
respect for traditions.
Our region lives a rich and diverse cultural
life. The current year is the year of literature, that
is why there are a lot of large-scale openings,
interesting exhibitions, and new projects. But the
main value of the region is its people. Culture
is the force that supports people, gives them
optimism and faith in the future. Therefore, the
Samara region has not only a great past, but a
bright and great future.
The Minister wishes all the readers of the
publication health, happiness and success.
Avtograd Library
is one of the biggest
libraries in Togliatti. It has its own Internet center,
on the base of which the Silver Spheres program
works. This program teaches labor veteran how
to work with computers. There is also a legal
information reference center, five community
information centers, youth center of development
called BIBL in the Library. With the assistance of
Alliance Francaise the language center was open
and books in 35 languages were collected.
AVTOVAZ Technical Museum
was open
on the 24th of February, 1976. Originally it was
located in the building of the training center and
had another name - Museum of Labor Glory.
From 1976 till 1987 the Museum was visited by
550 thousand people. In 1996 the name of the
Museum was changed into Museum of AVTOVAZ
JSC. It began publishing activities, organization of
the meetings and exhibitions. In 2011 there were
about 20 thousands exhibits in the Museum. On
the 20th of July, 2012 a new showroom was open.
Lada Granta was presented there.
Planeta Detstva LADA
(Planet of Childhood
LADA) is a non-commercial organization of the
preschool education. The organization has been
working for 40 years. It consists of 50 kindergartens,
that are attended by more than 14500 children. Each
kindergarten has its own priority educational direction,
that is worked out by professors and teachers of
Togliatti State University. The organization is indebted
to VAZ for its birth. The first head of the organisation
was Sofya Polyakova. The first kindergarten was open
in1967. After that 8-10kindergartenswereopenevery
year. In 2005 Planeta Detstva LADA resign from VAZ
and became a non-commercial organization. 2500
additional seats for children have been created since
2010. In 2014 a new kindergarten was open.
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