Òåððèòîðèÿ áóäóùåãî #4 - page 190

Mikhail Birulya
(1956 – 2003) moved
from Leningrad to Togliatti when he graduated
from the University. He was invited to VAZ where
he started his career of a programmer. He did
not expect that he would manage the computing
center of pressing and reinforcing production of
VAZ. In the early 1990's Birulya left the plant and
started his work at the Mega-Project company. In
1993 Mikhail Birulya and his friend Petr Platoshin
founded the company, which manufactured car
parts from plastic. The company's name was
Megaplast. Birulya became the director of the
company. Under his leadership the company
quickly came to a Russian market. Unfortunately,
in 2003 Mikhail Birulya was kidnapped and he is
still missing.
The name of
Sergey Zhilkin
(1960 - 2008)
is known by every citizen of Togliatti. He was
mayor of the city from 1994 till 2000. For six
years of Zhilkin's work as mayor, the priority
directions of his activity were preparation of
the city development strategy, development
of social, cultural, housing and communal
services, support of industrial enterprises.
In 1999 he became a candidate of economic
sciences. The summer art school and several
funds were established at his initiative. In
2000 Zhilkin initiated the foundation of Togliatti
State University. He was appointed rector of
the University, and then twice elected by the
colleagues. The Univercity became the center
of intellectual and cultural life of the city. It has
achieved significant results in all activity areas.
Besides, the volume of scientific research and
the number of doctors and professors increased.
Moreover, four new institutions were created
and two new buildings and a fitness center with
swimming pool were open. Furthermore, 55 new
educational programs were developed. In 2007
Zhilkin became a doctor of economic sciences.
Sergei Zhilkin took an active part in the life of
the city.
Vera Nazaruk
(1935 – 2014) was
the Chairman of “The Council of Women of
Avtozavodsky District of Togliatti”. It is one of the
best public organizations in Russia. The Council
has implemented a number of socially important
projects and programs. Vera Nazaruk picked up
numerous awards. Unfortunately, in June 2014
Vera passed away.
Dmitriy Kublitskiy
(1945-2014) was the
Transport Director and Advisor to the Director
General of AO "KuibyshevAzot", a board member
and the vice president of the Russian Yachting
Federation, the President of the Interregional
Association of Sailing Catamarans of the
"Tornado" and "Nacra 17" Classes, a judge of
the international category in sailing, master of
sports of the USSR in sailing. In 2005 he opened
the memorial complex in memory of the partisan
movement in Velikiye Prussy (Belarus). The name
of Kublitskiy is known far beyond Togliatti. He
possessed professionalism and responsibility;
he had many talents and a variatey of interests
(snowmobiles, traveling, hunting and fishing).
Kublitskiy was a man of immense erudition. He
definintely stood out from the crowd.
Dmitriy Markushev
(1952 – 2001) was
the first director of the production of plastic
products at VAZ (1995 – 1999). This production
was created in November, 1995. In parallel with
the installation and commissioning of equipment
new technologies were put into production:
injection molding, blow molding, thermoforming,
and painting of plastic products. Here the details
of the exterior and interior for VAZ 2110 were
manufactured. Markushev formed a highly
effective team, he valued his colleagues very
much. In 1999 Dmitriy Markushev became the
director of the body and assembly production,
where he worked till his death in 2001. The
professional skills competition is named after
Dmitriy Markushev.
Georgiy Penkovskiy
(1931 – 1994)
started his work at AVTOVAZ in 1969. His first
position was the postion of the deputy production
manager. In two years he became the head of the
body and assembly production where he worked
for 11 years. Georgiy was a fan of his work. He
slept for a few hours a day and managed to keep
an incredible amount of information in his mind.
His life consisted of constant self-education,
meetings, business trips to Italy, Sweden, USA,
and Germany. He could get around any problem.
In 1986 Penkovskiy became the deputy director
general of the research and development centre of
AVTOVAZ. He was a hard-driving executive and a
decent person. AVTOVAZ was his only home.
Alexey Nikolaev
was president and director
general of AVTOVAZ from 1996 till 2002. He
started his work at AVTOVAZ in 1967 as a senior
process engineer. Nikolaev went to Italy where he
chose forging equipment for the plant. From 1967
till 1974 he changed several positions. In 1975
Nikolaev became the director of the Building of
Auxiliary Shops (KVC). In 1978 he was appointed
to the position of the director of Dimitrovgrad
Automotive Components Plant. In 1982 Nikolaev
came back to AVTOVAZ. In 1996 he became the
plant’s director general. This year Alexey Nikolaev
has celebrated his 80th anniversary.
Olga Goga
is one of the best managers
of Togliatti. She worked at the legal department
of AVTOVAZ for 15 years. Then she worked
in AVTOVAZBANK. At the moment she is a
managing partner of the Merged Law Company
of the UNITED EXPERTS Group. Olga Goga also
takes an active part in a social life of the city.
In 2012 she became the winner of the contest
called “Woman of the City" in the category of
"Woman Leader".
Oleg Grunenkov
is the director of the X-RAY
project at AVTOVAZ. He took part in the development
and production of such cars as Priora, LADA Kalina,
and LADA Granta. His philosophy of life is the
not afraid of challenges". Grunenkov is constantly
improving his qualification in management and
organizational work. Several people who had worked
under him have become directors of departments in
various projects. Grunenkov is proud of his work, his
city and his family.
to AVTOVAZ. He has worked there for 40 years. He
went a long way from an ordinary controller of the
production to the head of the workshop. In addition
to field experience Danilushkin was always actively
engaged into social activities. At the moment he
is retired, but still helps people. He also holds
an interesting collection of models of Soviet and
Russian cars.
Victor Davydov
perceived the romantic
atmosphere of VAZ in 1969 when he was a
student. He took part in foundation of one of the
parts of the plant. In 1975 he started his work as
a machinist. His career started growing very fast.
In a year he became a foreman, than a supervising
foreman, and so on. In 2004 he took a position of
the vice president of technical development. At the
moment Davydov is director general of the refinery
of Foras LLC in Syzran. Victor Davydov has been
married for 45 years. He has a daughter, a son and
three grandchildren.
Nikolay Dybin
considers VAZ to be his
school of life. He began his career at the workshop
of automatic welding lines of major components of
the body. Here he worked as a foreman, then as a
supervising foreman and after that as the workshop
manager. In April 1980 Dybin wasmoved to another
workshop, where he had to settle the problem with
the strike. He managed to calm the people down
and amend working conditions. His workshop won
the first prize at the socialistic competitions every
year. In 12 years Dybin became the commercial
manager of VAZ. Later he changed his position
several times to different managing ones.
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